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The Assisi Loop is  PEMF (pulsating electromagnetic field) technology. 

It assists the body in recovery from:

  • inflammation
  • provide pain management therapy
  • accelerate healing
  • improve mobility
  • issues related to arthritis
  • bone & joint injuries


It accelterates the healing process by penetrating 8 inches into the body,  at the molecular level of the cell, to heal tissue damage, bones, ligaments, tendons and joints.


The Loop is light-weight at only 2 ounces, so you can take it ANYWHER!! It is easy to administer at home, in the barn, or on the road. Leave one in your horse trailer, truck, barn, first aid kit, or even in your saddle bag when you take that trip up the mountain with your horse.


This unique piece of technology has a shelf-life of 150 uses with 15 minute cycles.  So, if you were to use this loop on yourself, your horse, dog or cat once a week, it would expire in 2.8  years. It contains its own battery, so no need to charge it. Once it expires, it can not be recharged or replace batteries.


A GREAT piece of equipment to have in aiding in the healing process for those who want an alterantive choice other than pharmaceuticals.




Assisi LOOP 2.0 - 20 cm Manual Loop

SKU: 1005
Ready to ship in 5-7 business days.
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